Can Vaping Harm Your Teeth?
Although vaping is seen as less harmful for your teeth and gums than tobacco products, it can still be damaging. Your dentist can advise you on the risks of using e-cigarettes as well as provide information on how to quit smoking altogether.
Key takeaways:
- E-cigarettes contain nicotine as well as other chemicals that can increase your risk of cancer, including oral cancer.
- When vaping, you inhale chemicals and flavorings which can cause gum inflammation and can damage the gum tissue.
- Vapor from e-cigarettes increases your risk of tooth enamel damage — as the flavorings have chemicals akin to eating foods high in sugar content.
“In addition, since e-cigarettes contain nicotine, which reduces blood flow to the oral cavity, they can also mask the symptoms of gum disease, which can allow the condition to progress unnoticed until you have more severe symptoms.”
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